Wir sind DER Hersteller für Kühlmöbelverglasungen mit transparentem Randverbund aus GLAS

Unsere Glasscheiben sind zertifiziert*, absolut gasdicht und mit Ug-Werten
von 1,1 W/m²K für eine uneingeschränkte Warenpräsentation.

Welcome to MiraGlas GmbH!

We develope, produce and license highly innovative glass products for the industry – bent, pane, customized, serial …

Through our own patents we are the only manufacturer worldwide to produce frameless, insulating glass panes and doors with spacers of polished glass! Highest transparency in unbeatable, extremely durable quality!

We produce insulating glass panes customized to your needs.

You have wishes and ideas for a product in glass – we develop and produce it for you!


Our patented insulating glass panes for the cooling industry are

  • Absolutely gastight
  • Resistant to UV-Radiation
  • Tolerant against humidity and temperature
  • Save at breaking and distortion
  • Filled with min. 80% Argon and have
  • Ug-values of 1.1 W/m² K or less

YOU decide on

  • Size
    (gleichmäßige oder gestufte Einzelscheiben, zurückgesetzte
  • Glasstype
    (normal oder weiß, ESG, LowE, entspiegelt etc)
  • Spacer
    (Normalglas oder Weißglas)
  • Additions/ Extras
    (Griffe, Scharniere, Siebdruck etc.)……

Ask us! We produce your individual, customized to your needs solution !!


About us

Innovative solutions

Since 2010, MiraGlas GmbH develops and distributes innovative solutions in glass for a broad range of use – be it for safe and eternal storage of dangerous (poison / radioactive / debris) materials or to-be-preserved goods, be it window panes with flex-ible transparency, be it bent glass panes and frameless insulating glass panes and doors.

Realized by specialists

We are a small team of specialists, always trying to realize our client’s needs with the technical optimum, acceptable prices and – as the primary goal – in highest quality. In two words: Typical German!

Individually produced

We act as developer, producer and licensor. If you are interested in our products, a license or have an idea you wish to be „made in glass“ – contact us!


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or call us

+49 (0) 35208 296459